Thursday, May 17, 2012

You are one millimeter away - Tony Robbins - Tiny Changes Mean Huge Results

Sculpt your mind and emotions to take you wherever you need.
You need to physically and emotionally connect to your winner self.

Be certain. If you are certain, nothing can stop you. You are not only confident, you have direction, like a shark that just spotted a nice juicy fish.

"When two people meet and there is rapport, the person who is most CERTAIN will always influence the other person"

What matters?

What matters to you?

Is it your job? Your family? Your friends? Good food? Music?

Focus on the things you love and the people that care about you. Focus on the moment at hand.
Stop obsessing about the past and stressing about the future. It's all bullshit.  Everything else is noise.
Do what you love. Be surrounded by people you love. Care about them. Care about yourself.

Nothing else matters.