Wednesday, June 20, 2012

There will be a day when you can no longer do this

If you are healthy today, I want you to...

Imagine. Imagine the day you can no longer run up stairs. Your legs feeble, your body weak.

That day will come, when your body betrays you and you can no longer push it forward.

How will you feel?

Think. Imagine. Picture the future. It will happen one day. You will be WEAK

SO, how about enjoying your body while it still works. Quit taking your health for granted. You can walk, you can run, you can jog up stairs. So do it. Put down your laptop and go for a fucking walk. Jog up some fucking stairs. Let your body BREATHE!

Otherwise, that future weakness you just imagined just might hit you a decade or two sooner than expected...

No Excuses

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Don't stumble over something behind you

You don't have to forgive
You don't have to forget

Just don't obsess
Don't allow things from the past to affect your energy

On to the next one..